How to work and communicate in Japanese colleagues, clients and partners?

Voor wie ?

Locally hired non-Japanese employees working for a Japanese company in Europe or in Japan Employees collaborating with Japanese partners or clients Working on projects with Japanese


To learn :

    o to gain an in-depth understanding of :
    o your own personal and cultural drivers
    o Japan’s social and cultural background
    o the Japanese business practices, etiquette, culture, environment and communications
    o the role expected of local managers and employees in a Japanese company
    o the meaning behind words
    to implement our toolkit to better work in a Japanese environment and build long-lasting successful relationships with Japanese colleagues, partners and clients

    Content includes

    Dos & don’ts and goes far beyond through case studies, and business simulation.

      o Personal and cultural drivers
      o Japanese business culture, étiquette and environment
      o A framework for understanding Japanese business culture
      o How to communicate with Japanese colleagues, clients, employees and partners?
      o How to understand what is not said?
      o How to take part in meetings?
      o A toolkit for managing challenging situations in the Japanese workplace


      Brussels May 2020


      When ? 29 May 2020

      (8:45 am - 16:15 pm)

      Price : 390 EUR / pers + VAT

      Where ? Online during Quarantine / avenue de Tervuren 81, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

      Prijs: 390€ per persoon

      zich inschrijven



390 EUR/pers +VAT (1 day or 7 hours + lunch)

Sandwiches, coffee and drinks are included


390 EUR/pers +VAT (1 day = 7 hours + lunch)


8:45 am - 4:15 pm


Avenue de Tervuren 81, 1040 Brussels


Metro Montgomery

Metro Mérode

Tailored to your needs :

Depending on your needs, we can customise any of our training programmes.

Delivery methods :

Our objective is to make sure you leave the training with a deeper insight as well as practical tools

Language :

Our trainings are conducted in English, French or Japanese

If you’d like to receive further information or to see how our trainings can be tailored to your specific issues and needs, please contact us: - or - to go directly to the on-line information request form